Sri Suktam Is A Hymn Dedicated To Goddess Laxmi, The Wife Of Vishnu. Just By Singing It Or By Listening To It, Mata Lakshmi Will Bring Lots Of Wealth, Health And Peace. In this article, we are providing Sri Suktam lyrics in Hindi and English with meaning. And you can also download the pdf of Sri Suktam in hindi lyrics. Sri is also written as shree, shri and shiri. Shree suktam lyrics are given below…
Hymn | Sri Suktam |
Singer | Anuradha Paudwal |

Sri Suktam Lyrics in Hindi
1- ॐ हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं, सुवर्णरजतस्त्रजाम् ।
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं, जातवेदो म आ वह ।।
अर्थ➠ हे जातवेदा (सर्वज्ञ) अग्निदेव! आप सुवर्ण के समान रंगवाली, किंचित् हरितवर्णविशिष्टा, सोने और चाँदी के हार पहननेवाली, चन्द्रवत् प्रसन्नकान्ति, स्वर्णमयी लक्ष्मीदेवी का मेरे लिये आह्वान करें।
Sri Suktam full Lyrics in Hindi
1- ॐ हिरण्यवर्णां हरिणीं, सुवर्णरजतस्त्रजाम् ।
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं, जातवेदो म आ वह ।।
अर्थ➠ हे जातवेदा (सर्वज्ञ) अग्निदेव! आप सुवर्ण के समान रंगवाली, किंचित् हरितवर्णविशिष्टा, सोने और चाँदी के हार पहननेवाली, चन्द्रवत् प्रसन्नकान्ति, स्वर्णमयी लक्ष्मीदेवी का मेरे लिये आह्वान करें।
2- तां म आ वह जातवेदो, लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
यस्यां हिरण्यं विन्देयं, गामश्वं पुरूषानहम् ।।
अर्थ➠ हे अग्ने! उन लक्ष्मीदेवी का, जिनका कभी विनाश नहीं होता तथा जिनके आगमन से मैं स्वर्ण, गौ, घोड़े तथा पुत्रादि प्राप्त करूँगा, मेरे लिये आह्वान करें।
3- अश्वपूर्वां रथमध्यां, हस्तिनादप्रमोदिनीम् ।
श्रियं देवीमुप ह्वये, श्रीर्मा देवी जुषताम् ।।
अर्थ➠ जिनके आगे घोड़े और रथ के मध्य में वे स्वयं विराजमान रहती हैं। जो हस्तिनाद सुनकर प्रमुदित (प्रसन्न) होती हैं, उन्हीं श्रीदेवी का मैं आह्वान करता हूँ। लक्ष्मीदेवी मुझे प्राप्त हों
4- कां सोस्मितां हिरण्यप्राकारामार्द्रां ज्वलन्तीं तृप्तां तर्पयन्तीम् ।
पद्मेस्थितां पद्मवर्णां तामिहोप ह्वये श्रियम् ।।
अर्थ➠ जो साक्षात् ब्रह्मरूपा, मन्द-मन्द मुस्कुरानेवाली, सोने के आवरण से आवृत्त, दयार्द्र, तेजोमयी, पूर्णकामा, भक्तनुग्रहकारिणी, कमल के आसन पर विराजमान तथा पद्मवर्णा हैं, उन लक्ष्मीदेवी का मैं यहाँ आह्वान करता हूँ।
5- चन्द्रां प्रभासां यशसा ज्वलन्तीं श्रियं लोके देवजुष्टामुदाराम् ।
तां पद्मिनीमीं शरणं प्र पद्ये अलक्ष्मीर्मे नश्यतां त्वां वृणे ।।
अर्थ➠ मैं चन्द्र के समान शुभ्र कान्तिवाली, सुन्दर द्युतिशालिनी, यश से दीप्तिमती, स्वर्गलोक में देवगणों द्वारा पूजिता, उदारशीला, पद्महस्ता लक्ष्मीदेवी की मैं शरण ग्रहण करता हूँ। मेरा दारिद्र्य दूर हो जाये। मैं आपको शरण्य के रूप में वरण करता हूँ।
6- आदित्यवर्णे तपसोऽधि जातो वनस्पतिस्तव वृक्षोऽक्ष बिल्वः ।
तस्य फलानि तपसा नुदन्तु या अन्तरा याश्च बाह्या अलक्ष्मीः ।।
अर्थ➠ सूर्य के समान प्रकाशस्वरूपे! आपके ही तप से वृक्षों में श्रेष्ठ मंगलमय बिल्ववृक्ष उत्पन्न हुआ। उसके फल आपके अनुग्रह से हमारे बाहरी और भीतरी दारिद्र्य को दूर करें।
7- उपैतु मां दैवसखः, कीर्तिश्च मणिना सह ।
प्रादुर्भूतोऽस्मि राष्ट्रेऽस्मिन्, कीर्तिमृद्धिं ददातु मे ।।
अर्थ➠ हे देवि! देवसखा कुबेर और उनके मित्र मणिभद्र तथा दक्ष-प्रजापति की कन्या कीर्ति मुझे प्राप्त हों अर्थात् मुझे धन और यश की प्राप्ति हो। मैं इस राष्ट्र (देश) में उत्पन्न हुआ हूँ, मुझे कीर्ति और ऋद्धि प्रदान करें।
8- क्षुत्पिपासामलां ज्येष्ठामलक्ष्मीं नाशयाम्यहम् ।
अभूतिमसमृद्धिं च, सर्वां निर्णुद मे गृहात् ।।
अर्थ➠ लक्ष्मी की बड़ी बहन अलक्ष्मी (दरिद्रता की अधिष्ठात्री देवी) का, जो क्षुधा और पिपासा से मलिन-क्षीणकाया रहती है, उसका नाश चाहता हूँ। हे देवि! मेरे घर से हर प्रकार के दारिद्र्य और अमंगल को दूर करो।
9- गन्धद्वारां दुराधर्षां, नित्यपुष्टां करीषिणीम् ।
ईश्वरीं सर्वभूतानां, तामिहोप ह्वये श्रियम् ।।
अर्थ➠ जिनका प्रवेशद्वार सुगन्धित है, जो दुराधर्षा (कठिनता से प्राप्त हो) तथा नित्यपुष्टा हैं, जो गोमय के बीच निवास करती हैं, सब भूतों की स्वामिनी उन लक्ष्मीदेवी का मैं आह्वान करता हूँ।
10- मनसः काममाकूतिं, वाचः सत्यमशीमहि ।
पशूनां रूपमन्नस्य, मयि श्रीः श्रयतां यशः ।।
अर्थ➠ मन की कामना, संकल्प-सिद्धि एवं वाणी की सत्यता मुझे प्राप्त हो। गौ आदि पशुओं एवं विभिन्न अन्नों भोग्य पदार्थों के रूप में तथा यश के रूप में श्रीदेवी हमारे यहाँ आगमन करें।
11- कर्दमेन प्रजा भूता मयि सम्भव कर्दम ।
श्रियं वासय मे कुले मातरं पद्ममालिनीम् ।।
अर्थ➠ लक्ष्मी के पुत्र कर्दम की हम सन्तान हैं। कर्दम ऋषि! आप हमारे यहाँ उत्पन्न हों तथा पद्मों की माला धारण करनेवाली माता लक्ष्मीदेवी को हमारे कुल में स्थापित करें।
12- आपः सृजन्तु स्निग्धानि चिक्लीत वस मे गृहे ।
नि च देवीं मातरं श्रियं वासय मे कुले ।।
अर्थ➠ जल स्निग्ध पदार्थों की सृष्टि करें। लक्ष्मीपुत्र चिक्लीत! आप भी मेरे घर में वास करें और माता लक्ष्मी का मेरे कुल में निवास करायें।
13- आर्द्रां पुष्करिणीं पुष्टिं पिंगलां पद्ममालिनीम् ।
चन्द्रां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं, जातवेदो म आ वह ।।
अर्थ➠ हे अग्ने! आर्द्रस्वभावा, कमलहस्ता, पुष्टिरूपा, पीतवर्णा, पद्मों की माला धारण करनेवाली, चन्द्रमा के समान शुभ्र कान्ति से युक्त, स्वर्णमयी लक्ष्मीदेवी का मेरे यहाँ आह्वान करें।
14- आर्द्रां य करिणीं यष्टिं सुवर्णां हेममालिनीम् ।
सूर्यां हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं जातवेदो म आ वह ।।
अर्थ➠ हे अग्ने! जो दुष्टों का निग्रह करनेवाली होने पर भी कोमल स्वभाव की हैं, जो मंगलदायिनी, अवलम्बन प्रदान करनेवाली यष्टिरूपा, सुन्दर वर्णवाली, सुवर्णमालाधारिणी, सूर्यस्वरूपा तथा हिरण्यमयी हैं, उन लक्ष्मीदेवी का मेरे यहाँ आह्वान करें।
15- तां म आ वह जातवेदो लक्ष्मीमनपगामिनीम् ।
यस्यां हिरण्यं प्रभूतं गावो दास्योऽश्वान् विन्देयं पुरुषानहम् ।।
अर्थ➠ हे अग्ने! कभी नष्ट न होनेवाली, उन लक्ष्मीदेवी का मेरे यहाँ आह्वान करें, जिनके आगमन से बहुत-सा धन, गौएँ, दासियाँ, अश्व और पुत्रादि हमें प्राप्त हों।
16- य: शुचि: प्रयतो भूत्वा जुहुयादाज्यमन्वहम् ।
सूक्तं पंचदशर्चं च श्रीकाम: सततं जपेत् ।।
अर्थ➠ जिसे लक्ष्मी की कामना हो, वह प्रतिदिन पवित्र और संयमशील होकर अग्नि में घी की आहुतियाँ दे तथा इन पन्द्रह ऋचाओंवाले श्रीसूक्त का निरन्तर पाठ करे।
।। इति समाप्ति ।।
Shree Suktam lyrics in English
Om, Hiranya varnam harinim Suvarna rajatasrajam Chandraam hiranmayim Lakshmim jatavedo ma avaha
Sloka 1 – O all-knowing fire-god (Agni), would you kindly propitiate Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity, one whose body has the golden color; one who is decked with gold and silver garlands; one whose sari is yellow colored and one Whose face is like the full moon and whose eyes bless humanity with soothing grace. O Jata Veda, the fire-god, kindly tell Her of our supplications.
Sri Suktam full lyrics in English
Om, Hiranya varnam harinim Suvarna rajatasrajam Chandraam hiranmayim Lakshmim jatavedo ma avaha
Sloka 1 – O all-knowing fire-god (Agni), would you kindly propitiate Mahalakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity, one whose body has the golden color; one who is decked with gold and silver garlands; one whose sari is yellow colored and one Whose face is like the full moon and whose eyes bless humanity with soothing grace. O Jata Veda, the fire-god, kindly tell Her of our supplications.
Tamaavaha jatavedo Lakshmimananpagaminim Yasyaam hiranyam vindeyam Gamasvam purushanaham
Sloka 2 – O, Agni, the great fire-god, with the blessings of Mahalakshmi, wealth and prosperity, gold and cattle, horses and useful animals, family and children and every type of prosperity will come to me. By the arrival of Goddess Lakshmi in my home, the prosperity will be imperishable. Health, friends, knowledge, everlasting peace and finally freedom — all these types of wealth will be mine by the arrival of the Universal Mother, Lakshmi, into my home.
Ashwapurvam Rathamadhyam Hastinada Prabodinim Sriyam Devimupahvaye Shrirmadevirjushatam
Sloka 3 – That Goddess Lakshmi in whose procession the celestial horses and the divine chariots are used, as the elephants roar the OM sound which pleases that Goddess. She being Gajalakshmi or Lakshmi Who is worshipped by the elephants. O Agni, I am invoking that power, the spouse of Vishnu. May I attain Her grace.
Kamsosmitam Hiranya Prakaramardram Jvalantim truptam tarpayantim Padmestitam padmavarnam Tamihopahvaye sriyam
Sloka 4 – One Who is sitting on the blossomed thousand-petalled lotus; one whose body has the colour of the lotus; may that great Goddess. The compassionate, radiant, ever-smiling, fulfiller of all the desires of Her votaries, hear my prayers. I invoke that Mother, Mahalakshmi of golden colour.
Chandramprabhasam yashasajvalantim Sriyamloke devajustamudaram Tam Padminimim Saranamaham Prapadye Alakshmirme Nashyatam twam vrune
Sloka 5 – I invoke Mahalakshmi Who shines like the full moon and like lightning. Her fame is all-pervading. Denizens of heaven constantly worship Her. She is magnificent. Her benevolent hands are like lotuses. I take refuge in Her lotus feet. Let Her destroy my poverty forever. O Mother Mahalakshmi, I take shelter at Your lotus feet.
Aadityavarne Tapasodhijato Vanaspatistava Vrukshothabilvaha Tasya phalani Tapasanudantu Mayantarayascha Bahya Alakshmihi
Sloka 6 – O Universal Mother, shining like the sun, it is through Your penance that the holiest trees of Bilva and Tulasi are born. They symbolize the tree of life. The fruit of that tree of life removes our poverty from both within and without. In other words, bless us with inner light and outer independence and abundance.
Upaitumam Devasakhaha Kirtishcha Maninaa Saha Praddurbhuto smi rastresmin Kirthimrudhim dadatume
Sloka 7 – O Devi, the great Goddess, with Your blessings let Kubera, the treasurer of the gods; his friend, Manibhadra, the protector of wealth, and Keerti, the goddess of fame who was the daughter of Daksha Prajapati.
Kshutpipasamalam JyesthaAm Alakshmim nashayamyaham Abhutimasamruddhim cha Sarvam Nirnuda me grihat
Sloka 8 – That goddess of hunger and thirst, one who is reduced to a skeleton; I would like the death of the goddess of poverty. O Mahalakshmi, may You kindly drive away any fear of poverty and inauspiciousness from my home. In other words, bless me always with abundance and joy.
Gandhadvaram duradharsham Nitya Pushtam Karishinim Eshvarim sarvabhutanam Tamihopahvaye Sriyam
Sloka 9 – I invoke that supreme Goddess Lakshmi to dwell in my home forever. She is the supreme power of protection and Goddess of all the universes and cosmic elements. She is Mother Earth, the bestower of great contentment. Her blessings are bringing us the fragrance of the sandalwood paste. May that Ishwari is ever-present in me.
Manasaha-Kamamakutim Vachasatya mashimahi Pashunam Rupamanasya mayi Srishrayatam yashaha
Sloka 10 – May Mahalakshmi fulfil all my desires. May I attain perfection. May my words come true. May I be bestowed with cattle, wealth, food, milk and honey to share with all. May that Sri Devi comes to my home in the form of undying fame.
Kardamena Prajabhuta mayi Sambhava Kardhama Shriyam Vasayame Kule Mataram Padma malinim
Sloka 11 – We are the progeny of our forefather, Sage Kardama, who is one of the sons of Goddess Lakshmi. We invoke that Sage Kardama to install in his family the Universal Mother, Mahalakshmi, who is decked with the garland of lotuses. So be it.
Aapha srujantu Snigdhani Chiklita Vasa Me Gruhe Nicha devim Mataram Sriyam Vasay me kule
Ardram pushkarinim Pushtim Pingalam Padmamalinim Chandram hiranmayim Lakshmim Jatavedo Ma avaha
Sloka 13 – O Agni, may You propitiate Mahalakshmi, the destroyer of demons but merciful to Her devotees, abode of auspiciousness, bestower of total protection, extraordinarily beautiful, bedecked with valuable ornaments, shining like a thousand suns; may that Hiranmayi, the golden coloured Goddess, be pleased with us.
Ardram Yah karinim yastim Suvarnam hemamalinim Suryam Hiranmayim Lakshmim Jatavedo Ma avaha
Sloka 14 – O Agni, the fire-god, I once again pray unto you to invoke the presence of the Lakshmi Devi with us. The Mother Who is merciful blessings with Her lotus hand. May that yellow-clad, lotus-garlanded, moon-faced Goddess shower Her choicest cup of blessings upon us.
Tama avaha Jatavedo Lakshmimanapagaminim Yasyam Hiranyam Prabhutam gavo Dasyoshvam Vindeyam Purushanaham
Sloka 15 – O Agni, please pray to that Lakshmi that we should be blessed with inexhaustible wealth. May that wealth brings that greatest joy and peace along with all material comforts of cows, servants, horses, family and good children, and the highest of all, freedom.
Om Mahadevyaicha vidmahe Vishnu Pathnyaicha dhimahi Tanno Lakshmih prachodayatu Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Sloka 16 – Let that Mahalakshmi is invoked on Whom I meditate upon, Who is the consort of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Mother. Let peace prevail everywhere.
Sri Suktam pdf Download :- Click here
Sri Suktam is a vedic sloka addressed to Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, Who is the Goddess of Wealth, Prosperity and Fertility. Goddess Lakshmi’s whole description appears in the Sri Suktam, where she has been lauded in glorious terms.
Sri Suktam is one of the Pancha Suktam (5 Suktams) namely; Purusha Suktam, Vishnu Suktam, Sri Suktam, Bhu Suktam, and Nila Suktam. Sri Suktam is recited to bring bliss to the family, to those who recite it with devout intent and discipline. The Sri Suktam is a never-failing mantra to invoke prosperity, health, wealth and well being of the person as well as the whole family itself. It is widely believed in the Hindu community that recitation of this powerful Slokam bestows an unerring power unto the character and personality of those who recite it and to their general well being.
The recitation of Sri Suktam satisfies the divine mother to the utmost level and she showers her blessings upon her children. Girls who recite Sri Suktams – get married to good grooms, leading a happy life, boys securing good steady jobs, families come out of problems of debts and miseries.
Narayana represents God, and Lakshmi represents the magnificence, abundance, and grandeur of Vishnu. The tradition, among the Vaishnavas especially, is that Narayana (Vishnu) cannot be approached except through Lakshmi. This is to say that the Absolute can be reached only through the relative.
The recitation of Shri Suktam helps and eradicates the existence of Shri Jyeshta Lakshmi from one’s life. Also, remember that it is actually Shri Jyestha Lakshmi who has the owl as her mount but Goddess Lakshmi has Garuda as her mount. And that is a difference. So while meditating on Lakshmi, everyone should recall the image of Goddess Lakshmi with Garuda.
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